Thursday, 21 April 2011

Baby steps

I took my camera out for test drive earlier this morning. Since I have been doing night photography for years I felt confident that my video fotage would look as good as the photos I produce... Boy was I wrong :-)

This is a still taken by me...
I realized that it wasn't as easy to shoot video as I thought. Even getting my camera to do manual exposure and aperture was a hard nut to crack. So I did some filming and then went home to dig up my manual.

...And this is the proof that taking stills and shooting video is two different things all together.
Now I'm all manual (after I read the manual :-) so I will head out this weekend to try and get some film without the noise that I got doing it on automatic.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Finaly a project

As a member of Vimeo I regulary browse their page for new and inspiring shorts. There are many I can tell you but sometimes one pops out. Not because it is better than the rest but because it inspire me.

To inspire me a short need to fill certain criterias.It has to be good but not too good. I need to feel that it would be in my reach if I just worked harder (I have a great imagination). And it has to be the kind of flick that falls within a category that I realisticaly can make.

This clip that I stumbled upon a few days back fit the bill:

Opsin from Ivan Villafuerte on Vimeo.

It is well made with a great look and atmosphere. Julst love the smooth black and white. It Immediately felt like 'this was something I could do' so I wrote down my ideas and has now set my goal; to make my own presentation of my hometown Karlstad. A good start to get to know my new camera and to do some editing without involving anyone else but me.

So how do I make my own?
Based on the above clip all you need it this (sound soo easy)
- Static camera
- A good song that creates the right atmosphere
- A city
- No 'proper' sound so I can be alone doing it
- No actors

Why haven't I done this before then I hear you ask in a somewhat mocking tone... Well to tell you the truth friend, I'm lazy.